16 Year Old Anastasia’s Pursuit to become a Paralympian

Recently we were inspired by 16 year old Anastasia and felt compelled to share her story with you. At age 11, Anastasia started having difficulty seeing small fonts. By age 14, colors were now just shades of gray. After losing her vision completely, she battled depression and suicidal thoughts. She now has the goal of competing in the next Paralympics.
Julie’s Inspiring Story from Client To Instructor at VRS

“I just want to be able to crochet,” one of Julie Moses’s clients said. People who have vision loss come to Vision Rehabilitation Services with all sorts of goals. For many, it’s learning how to re-enter the workforce. For others, it’s discovering new ways to take care of their households. But for a 92-yeaar old […]
Derrick’s Inspiring Advice for Those Who are Experiencing Vision Loss

When Derrick Whitaker moved to Georgia, the Chicago native expected to find warm weather, friendly people, and thriving communities. But he didn’t know that he’d discover a resource that would help put him on the path to an exciting future: Vision Rehabilitation Services of Georgia (VRS). Derrick had begun to experience vision loss as a […]
Meet Esref Armagan – A Blind Painter

March is National Craft Month and most people would assume that those with visual impairments would have little interest in creating crafts when they can’t fully see their own creation. They would be wrong. Some might believe that creating tactile pieces like pottery or knitted sweaters would be the only form of art that a […]
Lindsey’s White Cane Story

What is tall and thin and wears only red with white? That would be me – Daisy, the white cane. My purpose in life is to help others and my partner in this work is Miss Lindsey. Together we travel and can do great things! We believe we can change the world! Lindsey has Low Vision, […]